Tiny Biome Tales
Have you thought about your microbiome lately? No? Well then it’s time to change that!
Tiny Biome Tales is an educational game that aims to help you in that regard. The human microbiome is a very complex and diverse topic but its contributions to health are undisputed. In Tiny Biome Tales you learn how your day to day decisions influence your tiny friends and what effects this can have by playing through typical scenarios.
The game features multiple layers of information including the codex, a comprehensive wiki that includes very detailed knowledge about the covered subjects. Every piece of information is backed by scientific papers that are referenced and can be opened from within the game.
The project was created in cooperation with the Institute of Environmental Biotechnology at the TU Graz and it has already been played over 500 times. Its effectiveness in teaching about the topic has been evaluated in a pilot study the results of which have been published in Microbial Biotechnology.
Read more about the game in the TU Graz press release or better yet: Play it yourself right in the browser on this website.
It is currently available in English and designed to be played on a computer. An optimized version for mobile devices as well as a German version of the game are in the works.
The game has also been featured in a number of press releases:
- Ö1 – Spielerisch das Mikrobiom erkunden
- Kleine Zeitung – Junge Wissenschaftler entwickeln Lern-Videospiel zum Thema Mikrobiom
- TU Graz – “Tiny Biome Tales”: Das menschliche Mikrobiom spielend verstehen
- Futurezone – Gratis-Game erklärt das Mikrobiom und wieso es extrem wichtig ist
Project: Tiny Biome Tales