Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten (VWA)



This lecture should help you to learn the fundamentals of scientific research, preparing scientific reports, and preparing presentations. This course is designed as a preparation for a Bachelor thesis at the Game Lab.

The course consists of researching, preparing, and presenting a scientific survey paper on topics relevant to the Game Lab Graz such as games research, game analytics, player research, virtual reality environments, game development, and similar topics.

This semester most of the lecture will be held online. The lectures will be streamed on webex.


  • Literature survey and independent research of a given topic
  • Writing a scientific seminar paper
  • Presentation of the seminar paper


In this table, you can see when lectures are held and submissions are due. This semester’s schedule is subject to change, some dates will be updated based on current circumstances.

2021-11-19[Lecture] Scientific Working and Writing (Webex + Video)
2021-12-03[Lecture] Presentation Preparation (Webex + Video)
2021-12-17[Submission] Literature Survey + Table of Content
2021-12-17[Presentation] 1st Presentation
2022-01-14[Submission] Seminar Paper 1st Draft
2022-01-21[Presentation] Final Presentation
2022-01-28[Submission] Seminar Paper Final

[Submission] Literature Survey + Table of Content

For the first submission, you should summarize the main literature you will use for your seminar paper, identify main research goals, and a draft of the general structure of your paper (table of content). This should be a one-page overview. Use the latex template (simple report) for this.

[Presentation] 1st Presentation

Present your first results in a 4-minute presentation. This should include your literature overview, your research goals, and the structure for your paper. This year, all presentations will be online. You will get feedback on your structure.

[Presentation] Final Presentation

For your final presentation, you have 6 minutes and 4 minutes of questions. Also how to answer questions will be part of the grading. The feedback given on the first presentation should be included. The presentations are this year online.

[Submission] Seminar Paper Submission

Prepare a 6-8 page seminar paper (incl. references) summarizing the literature and your own results. Use the latex template for this. You have to prepare a first draft before the final presentation. You will get feedback on this seminar paper as part of the final presentation and you should include this feedback in your final submission.

Slides & Lecture Content

Course Links and Material (cont. updated)


You need to all assignments for a positive grade. 

  • Literature Survey: 10%
  • 1st Presentation: 10%
  • Final Presentation : 30%
  • Final Seminar Paper: 70%
  • 1: >= 90%
  • 2: >=80,<90
  • 3: >=65,<80
  • 4:>=51,<65
  • 5:<51

Book Recommendations

  • The Elements of Style (Strunk and White).
  • How to Write a Lot (Paul Silvia)
  • On Writing Well (William Zinsser)